I AM here to assist you in the planning and preparation of your further study from pre-university, tertiary to post graduate level
Who Am I?
My Name is Dr Azuraida Shahadan from DATA Academy and I am a Non-Academic consultant for few universities inside and abroad. DATA Academy (previously knowns as Professional Calibre International (M) Sdn Bhd) is an Education, Training and Expert Student Placement Company located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This company has been in field since 1997 and has developed a good networking with universities, local and abroad. We've been collaborating with the universities in Singapore, India, Indonesia, Middle Eastern, Philippine, Malaysia, France and America. Since establishment, we have successfully sent many students to more than 20 institutions in various countries.
What We Offer Now?
We welcome students from all over Malaysia as well as International students from other country to apply for our current admission at MAHSA UNIVERSITY, MALAYSIA.
(We also have limited seat for a Dentistry Program at Trisakti University, Indonesia, inquiry is welcome).